June’s webinar is entitled Constraints vs. Connectors. It will be held on Friday 24th June.
MPC constraints and connectors have the same functionality. They can be used to define the kinematic relationship between different components in an assembly. They can be simple such as beam and pin connections or more complex and include non-linear behaviour. The main difference between MPC constraints and connectors is the enforcement of the kinematic constraints. A constraint eliminates some degrees of freedom at one of the nodes involved in the connection and thus, allow reducing the size of the model. A connector uses additional solution variables which then allow extracting additional outputs such as the force required to enforce the constraint. In this webinar, we will look at defining connections between nodes using MPC constraints and connectors in Abaqus.
Modelling connections consists in choosing the appropriate MPC constraint or connector element, identifying the nodes to be constrained, defining a local coordinate system, defining the connector behaviour and selecting the outputs. This webinar will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using either constraint or connector in Abaqus. Finally, we will look at detecting and resolving overconstraints often caused by a combination of constraints, connectors and boundary conditions.
The Connectors webinar is a paid online training for existing customers. Other companies can sign up and receive a free webinar once. The costs for 10 Online Webinar Training Sessions during the year are EUR 1.175,00.
The link for the online event will be sent just one week before the actual date so if you register, please note it in your agenda already.